
Wednesday 4 December 2019

My Pepeha


Image result for lorde facts Lorde
 Lorde’s real name is Ella Marija Lani Yelich-O’conner. 

 Lorde is from Takapuna Auckland, New Zealand.

Lorde was born on the 7th of November 1996 and is currently 23 years old.

Lorde’s first debut album was ‘Pure Heroine’ and her first song was ‘Royals’.

Lorde’s first record deal was offered to her when she was just 13.

Lorde is a High school drop out.

Friday 25 October 2019

Ghost Town

Every night in my town when the street lights go out, the town becomes quiet but it’s almost too quiet. I was coming home from work, as usual, sitting in the rain waiting for the bus it never arrived, so I, unfortunately, had to start walking home when I pulled out my umbrella I started floating like the wind had just picked me up. I felt weightless but how I wanted to call for help but nobody would hear me I was at least

Friday 6 September 2019

Nya - A Long Walk To Water Essay

In the novel 'Long Walk To Water' By Linda Sue Park, I chose the character Nya because she is Kind caring and hardworking, She has a long story about her life and how her family survives with very little to no water and how she goes without any education.
isn't allowed to go to school because she is a girl. She spends her day collecting water at a very murky water hole that everyone goes to, even most livestock drink from it. It is the only source of water in the whole area. Nya will sometimes go to the water hole twice a day, a four-hour walk. Two hours there and two hours back. Some times Nya will go to a camp with her family and she will dig for hours just to get a small cup of muddy water.
Nya is very busy but still finds time to look after her younger siblings. When she gets home from collecting water she will usually play a game or chat with her younger siblings. She will help her mother with cooking or the washing of clothes or dishes. Nya will wake up before the sun rises and walk before it gets too hot, but before she gets home the sun will reach its highest point and there will be no place to go but under the blazing sun.
Nya has to stay focused and patient while she is collecting water because if she gets impatient and starts to walk faster she may spill water. If she spills too much she will have to go back to the water hole. She has to concentrate on her path just in case she steps on thorns or sharp rocks that may leave open wounds that will be painful. She cannot stop if this happens, she has to keep walking otherwise her family will not get water for simple uses.
Nya is very resilient and shows every day that she knows and understands that her family relies on her. She takes her job very seriously. Without her commitment her family would be without water and die due to dehydration and hunger.
When Nya's sister gets older she will have to do the same process as Nya. She will have to walk to the water hole and collect the same amount of water. She too will have to get up before the sun and start walking very early on.
Nya shows that we should appreciate that we have simple technology that gives us freshwater in an instant. We should be grateful for the little thing we don't take note of during our every day lives. Even though times were tough Nya had to keep going even when things were tough.

Friday 16 August 2019


If I could change any problem in the world I would change pollution . There are Many types of pollution such as air pollution and water pollution because many endangered speices have been dying due to plastic straws and bags and petrollium.

Air pollution is more like petrols and gasses where as water pollution is plastic bottles, straws and bags. That's why people have started to use reusable shopping bags reusable metal straws and many other things that could potentially be the beginning of the action to save the world.

I think pollution is a big thing because it has a horrible effect on sea life, birds and animals that come into contact with the substanses. We are killing many endangered animals and it has gotten too overwhelming and we dont know how to fix it.

I really hope we can fix this, keep recycling and doing your jobs to save the earth.

Friday 9 August 2019

Empty Boots

Suddenly, the door slammed shut an awkward silence filled the room what was going on. Silently, father and son stood face to face with anger in their eyes they were so angry they couldn’t even speak to each other. So after a while, dad though enough so he broke the silence and said to his son I'm sorry why were we even fighting in the first place. Then all of a sudden Alex ran off he put on his boots and grabbed a backpack and he was never to be seen again… until 20 years later Sam was on a walk in the woods everything was quiet then he stumbled across Alex's empty boots.

Thursday 8 August 2019

A long walk to water - Section 4

1. I think if Salva was older and stronger he would have shared his water with all of the others in need.

2. I think uncle Juwiir wants to keep fighting in the war and leave Salva because he wants to keep protecting his family and might not actually have a choice

3. I think that the group's attitude changed because the rest of the group thought that because of the fact his uncle wasn't there to feed him and keep him going.

 4. Salva realizes that his family is gone when his uncle juwiir says that may people were shot and houses were bombed. The memory that kept Salva going was, if you just get to those rocks you won't need to walk any further. 

Tuesday 6 August 2019

Music 2019

In music, we have been learning a 'smelly cat' on the guitars and keyboards. I have learned how to play different chords on the guitars and keyboards.

The chords we have learned are the E minor E major A major and D major Those are the only chords that you need to play smelly cat it's pretty easy and fun I'm most excited for the keyboards and piano work.

At the end of all of our sessions, the class will be preforming smelly cat some people will play on the keyboard and some on guitars.

I have really enjoyed taking music as an option and I am really excited to do more.


Wednesday 31 July 2019

A long walk to water - Section 3

1. Salva was petrified of being taken in the night by a lion but every time, his uncle reassures him that he has a gun and will protect him and the rest of the group.

2. I think the worst thing Salva has been through is near starvation and dehydration.

3. Salvas uncle Jewiir kept saying go to those rocks or go to that bush just to keep him moving

4. Salva lifted his head, the sobs interrupted by surprise.

Tuesday 30 July 2019

A long walk to water - Section 2

1. They didn't want Salva in the group because they said he would slow them down and whine and it also means another mouth to feed.

2. Nya walks to the water hole twice daily and sometimes has to bring her younger sister her mother says she has to learn.  School dictates my life

3. I think Salva was good at learning about survival he has 11 years old and is surviving with no food nor water but he perseveres and keeps going.

4. Nyas life is very different at the lake her mother does not enjoy the lake because the boys have to go hunting for food and worried as to if they will come back to the camp.

Friday 26 July 2019

A long walk to water - Section 1

1. Salva is from the Dinka tribe But he has to learn Arabic because of the government.

2.  Where is my family, when will I see them again and where am I going.

3. Nyas journey is long and hard because she is being relied on and she has to carry many liters of water.

4. The tribes tell themselves apart by their markings and languages.

3. 2. 1. Long walk to water

3 Thoughts
1. I wonder why we never knew

2. I wonder why this is still happening

3. I wonder how we could help

2 Questions

1. Why have we never been taught this? 
2. Why is this still a problem?

(A simile, metaphor, or even an idiom that you associate with this topic)

1.No water, no life

Friday 5 July 2019

Moonstone Mayhem pt 2

Moonstone Mayhem

Quietly, Joey was studying for a test on Monday. Joey was the type who always enjoyed a bit of extra homework, but in his free time, he adored escape rooms or anything challenging for him to get his hands on.

As soon as he got to algebra, he saw a slender figure jumping out of the bushes in the front yard, he

went out to see what it possibly was but when he got downstairs nothing was there.

He stayed downstairs worried as to what it might be. He saw it again but, for longer this time so he

jumped on his bike and chased it for what seemed like forever. By now he was on the other side of

town close to an old park near his friend Amber's house.

So he decided to knock on her door. Amber answered surprised

to see joey this far away from home. She invited him in and he told

Amber what had happened so he asked if she would like to join him to

figure out what was really going on and hopefully stop whatever was out

there. So they had dinner and went back out.

However, this time at the park there was a blinding blue ray of light rippling

out over the welted brown grass, it was too bright to just ignore there was definitely

something out there causing it but how would they get there? They thought for a while trying

to find a solution to this mayhem they supposedly created.

How could they figure out a solution when you don’t know what even started it.

They both made an executive decision but how to get there was their main priority.

Back at Joey's house, Joey's mother was so worried she almost called the police but luckily

Ambers parents called her as soon as both children left the house.

They inched closer and closer to the gem and once they both reached the center where the glowing stone was they both grabbed it at the same time they both, disappeared in the blink of an eye they were both gone but where to?

They both awoke on a pavement in a cold dark town where two slender figures loomed ominously

over them. With aggression in their eyes, the figures approached and to their surprise,

they were picked up and taken into a cold brick house with no furniture except two worn

out old chairs, which were part of a dining room set. The darkroom was cold and smelt damp and musty.

They were both forced to sit down and tell them everything they had done in their past lives.

Amber struggled in the chair, but it was as if there were invisible bonds cuffing her hands.

She wanted to get up and start running, she then glanced over at Joey he has bound as well

but by this time it was probably too late to get back unless they found a way to break the

bonds, it would take a while but it would be worth it.

The figures left the room quietly hoping we didn't notice but we noticed

They kept working on the handcuffs they finally slipped off they both left they found another

place to stay for a while but how were they going to get home.

Disclaimer: This animation is not complete

Friday 14 June 2019


                                                Hi, my name is Kate and I go to Otaki College
                                                I have 5 animals 2 chickens  2 guinea pigs and a cat.
                                                I have one brother and I live by the beach
                                                My friends are Jett, Nelly, Annelise, Eloudie and Alexandra.
                                                I enjoy reading, animals, YouTube and board games 

Practice Animation

Friday 7 June 2019

Moonstone Mayhem

                              Moonstone Mayhem

Quietly, Joey was studying for a test on Monday. Joey was the type who always enjoyed a bit of
extra homework, but in his free time he adored escape rooms or really anything challenging for him
to get his hands on.

Suddenly he saw a slender figure jump out of the bushes in front yard he went out to see
what it possibly was but when he got down stairs nothing was  there. He stayed down stairs
worried as to what it might be. He saw it again but for longer this time so he jumped on his
bike and chased it for what seemed like forever. By now he was on the other side of town close
to an old park near his friend Amber's house.

So he decided to knock on her door. Amber answered surprised to see
joey this far away from home. She invited him in and he told Amber what
had happened so he asked if she would like to join him to figure out what was really
going on and hopefully stop whatever was out there. So they had dinner and went back out.

However this time at the park there was a blinding blue ray of light rippling out over the
welted brown grass it was too bright to just ignore there was definitely something out
there causing it but how would they get there? They thought for a while trying to find a solution
to this mayhem the supposedly created.

How could they figure out a solution when you don’t know what even started it.
They both made an executive decision but how to get there was their main priority.
Back at Joey's house Joey's mother was so worried she almost called
But luckily Amber's parents called her as soon as both children left the house.

They inched closer and closer to the gem and once they both reached the centre where the
glowing stone was they both grabbed it at the same time they both disappeared in the blink
of an eye they were both gone but where to.