
Friday 16 August 2019


If I could change any problem in the world I would change pollution . There are Many types of pollution such as air pollution and water pollution because many endangered speices have been dying due to plastic straws and bags and petrollium.

Air pollution is more like petrols and gasses where as water pollution is plastic bottles, straws and bags. That's why people have started to use reusable shopping bags reusable metal straws and many other things that could potentially be the beginning of the action to save the world.

I think pollution is a big thing because it has a horrible effect on sea life, birds and animals that come into contact with the substanses. We are killing many endangered animals and it has gotten too overwhelming and we dont know how to fix it.

I really hope we can fix this, keep recycling and doing your jobs to save the earth.

1 comment:

  1. Great work. You have clearly identified the issue you would try and fix in three paragraphs. You have given some good supporting examples and have explained what pollution is.
